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Okabe Product Catalog


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Okabe Product Catalog

A B C G TemporaryConstructionConcreteRebar Work Formwork CivilEngineeringHow to useHow to use● Exposes aggregates on the surface by uniformosmotic force, resulting in enhanced adhesion andwaterproof performance of the joints.● Does not deteriorate the concrete strength.Forms economical and highly water-tight jointscompared to the conventional green cut method.● No harmf ul sub s t anc e s ar e us e d as mainingredients.1. Apply Disparlight DV to formworkbefore placing concrete2. Curing of concrete3. Remove formwork within a certaintime4. Wash concrete surface● To wash away Disparlight CR, use a highpressure washer (approximately 30kg/cm2).● Provide protection with cover plate, etc.,before spraying in order to prevent DisparlightCR from flowing in directly betweenthe formwork and concrete.(If DisparlightCR flows in, etching may occur on theconcrete surface after the formwork isremoved.)● Spray Disparlight CR uniformly with sufficientcare. (Insufficient or uneven spraycauses uneven etching.)● Disparlight CR is stable until -5°C but storeit in such a way as to avoid freezing.● The retardation effects of Disparlight DV are affected bytemperature. Therefore, pay sufficient attention whenwashing the concrete after removing formwork.● Provide protection such as covering with a sheet in orderto prevent outflow due to rain etc.● Twice application of Disparlight DV is recommended toprevent uneven exposure of aggregates by washing. Theamount of each coat should be approximately 1/2 of thestandard application amount of Disparlight DV.● After application of Disparlight DV, the coat dries upbut when it comes into contact with fresh concrete, itbecomes wet and effective again.CautionsCautionsDisparlightSurface preparation agent for concrete jointSpray type forhorizontal jointsDisparlight CR 18kgApplication type forvertical jointsDisparlight DV 18kg◆Performance◆PerformanceSpecificgravity Condition PH Viscosity(20℃)EtchingdepthUsageinstructionsSprayedsurfaceStandardcoatingamount1.07 Light brownliquid 7.5 ± 0.5 100Pa・s 3 ?5mm Spray with a wateringcan or sprayer.Concretesurface 300g/㎡Specificgravity Condition PH Viscosity(20℃)EtchingdepthUsageinstructionsSprayedsurfaceStandardcoatingamount1.1 Light brownviscous liquid 8.0 14000 ±1000Pa・s 3 ?5mm Apply with a brushor roller brush.Formworksurface350 ?450g/㎡Product No. G-0420125