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Okabe Product Catalog


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Okabe Product Catalog

A B C G TemporaryConstructionConcreteRebar Work Formwork CivilEngineeringCebo:Releasing AgentConcrete release agent for formwork panelsFeatures● Chemical reaction causes strippingso suitable for various types of formwork.Effective for rust preventionwhen used for metal formwork. Effectivefor water penetration preventionwhen used for plywood panels orwood frames.Product Application Coated area Packing#Form CoatFormwork (steel, plywood, coated),secondary products (aluminum,stainless steel, galvanized)15?20m2/? 18? can200? drum#400 Same as above (rust preventionintensifier) 15?20㎡ 〃#460 Plywood and wooden formwork(impregnating stripping materials) 10?15㎡ 〃#Centre Coat Tunnel formwork, steel andcoated formwork 10?15㎡ 〃#PC-30X Formwork (special decorativerubber, steel, plywood) 10?15㎡ 〃#AZ-3Formwork (stainless steel, aluminum,galvanized, steel, coated) forexposed concrete only10?15㎡ 〃#1000 Plywood and wooden formwork 10?15m2/? ofdiluted solution 〃#WS1000Expanded polystyrene formwork(also applicable for plywood andwooden formwork)10?15m2/? ofdiluted solution 18? can#PC1Secondary products, steel formwork,tiles simultaneous placementfor exposed concrete10?15㎡ 200? drum#Eye CoatResin coating agent for plywoodand wooden formwork (gray),special thinner is required.400cc/m2(two coating)18? can16? can(thinner)#ND-3For removing rust and concreteleakage from steel productssuch as steel formworkDilute with waterdependingon the extentof rust and concreteleakage20kg plasticcontainerCorrosion InhibitorQuick-drying corrosion inhibitorFeatures● Can be directly applied to corrosion.● Quick-drying● H ardened film is strong enought and cannot beeasily affected by any kind of solvent.ProductCorrosion Inhibitor 4?Corrosion Inhibitor 18?1. Lightly remove loose scales andtop coat with a wire brush, andwash away oil, dirt, and salt.2. Use a brush, roller brush orspray gun suitable for the useand site3. Apply approximately 1kg per10m2.4. The coating dries in 1 or 2 hours,but allow at least 1 day for curingbefore placing concrete.● Since the product contains xylene, usea gas mask, etc., when using the productin a poorly ventilated place.● Since the product is made of specialresin, use goggles to protect eyes● Use rubber gloves to prevent skin irritation.● Take extra precautions against fire.CautionsProduct No. B90-0910Product No. B90-092099